Obion County Board of Education
December 5, 2011

Agenda Item: VII.A.

Consider/Approve Amendment to Board Policy #4.602 – Class Ranking

Background Information:

After reviewing Board Policy #4.602 – Class Ranking (attached), a few items were noted as needing clarification. The recommended amendments to Board Policy #4.602 are as follows:

  1. On line 7, strike “approved by the Board” (the phrase is repetitive);
  2. Beginning on line 10, second sentence, do not capitalize the words “less” and “not”;
  3. Beginning on line 14, second sentence, do not capitalize the words “less” and “not”;
  4. Beginning on line 24, second sentence, strike the phrase “four (4) semesters” and replace with “for four (4) successive semesters immediately prior to graduation”;
  5. Beginning on line 39, strike the phrase “maintain a B average” and replace with “be eligible for first or second honor roll eight (8) successive semesters."

Staff Recommendation:

I recommend approval of the above-noted amendment to Board Policy #4.602 – Class Ranking, on second and final reading.